Re: [NTLK] NUGWash meeting

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 02:01:04 EST

on 08/01/02 00:15, Filmer, Paul E. at wrote:

> OK - I haven't made it through all the 1800+ posts on this list since I went
> on holiday, but I did spot this one...
> How about a NUGWash meeting in early February? Somewhere warm (no laughing
> from LANug, please).
> I promise to bring the Schlumbernewt, and maybe we can figure out why it is
> so temperamental. More details to come when I get the website finalized...
> Please let me know preferences for days and /or locales -- otherwise I get
> to choose both.
> Paul F.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Zachery Bir []
> <snip>
>> BTW: When's the next NUGWash meeting? I had a blast last time, and
>> would love to hook up with you guys again.

Anytime, except Sundays, Mondays or Wednesdays. It could be one of these
days, but I would have to arrange the exact date with you, Paul...


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

CLM /C-L-M/: [Sun: `Career Limiting Move'] 1. n. An action endangering one's future prospects of getting plum projects and raises, and possibly one's job: "His Halloween costume was a parody of his manager. He won the prize for `best CLM'." 2. adj. Denotes extreme severity of a bug, discovered by a customer and obviously missed earlier because of poor testing: "That's a CLM bug!"

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