Re: [NTLK] Re - Inquiry $150 Newtons

From: Cees witsen (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 02:26:37 EST


Thank you for putting some of the members straight on what is as you
say the same as any transaction.

Thanks again Frank


> >Just wondering if anyone knows much about Cees Witsen? I
> >don't mean to insult Cees, but the $150 Newt thing seems a bit
>Cees just negotiated special terms with the supplier which we should
>be very thankful for. The result is the lowest price for an MP2K
>I've ever seen. He won't be involved in the deal in case you decide
>to buy one, you are supposed to deal directly with the supplier.
>This may or may not be a success, but the risk would be the same
>with every supplier you haven't dealt with successfully before.
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