Re: [NTLK] (OT) Best way to secure PowerBook/iBook at home, etc.?

From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Tue Jan 01 2002 - 10:44:06 EST

> Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 17:24:57 -0600
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] (OT) Best way to secure PowerBook/iBook at home, etc.=
> From: Greg Sahli <>
> OK, Oliver, I confess - my German isn't good enough. Your sig. (below)
> says something about cooking utensils and cutting meat -- but I just
> don't get it!
> Please explain.
> Sorry everybody -- way off topic ;)
> Greg
>> --
>> Wenn ich irgendwo eingeladen bin und bei der Essenszubereitung wurden
>> K=FCchenwerkzeuge benutzt, die nichts taugen, kann mir das zun=E4chst
>> egal sein.
>> Wenn aber wegen des stumpfen Messers das Fleisch zerfasert und ich es
>> deswegen trocken runterw=FCrgen mu=DF, dann st=F6rt's mich doch.
>> - Diskussion =FCber den Nutzen von Standards in d.c.s.m.misc -

And it also got screwed up... (I corrected it now)
This is from a discussion about the use of standards from
de.comp.sys.mac.misc. It, more or less, says:
"When I'm invited for dinner somewhere, and bad kitchentools where used to
prepare the food, I do not have to care about that in the first place.
But once the meat gets torn/fray because of the blunt knife, and I have to
choke it down dry, then it does bother me.

I guess this arose from a straight HTML vs. WYSIWYG webdesign tools

Oliver :)

Keep The Green!

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