From: Karel Jansens (
Date: Sat Feb 16 2002 - 10:17:53 EST

"Joel M. Sciamma" wrote:
> Karel,
> > A Taligent- (or, in my case, OS/2-) based Newton??? Can you _come_ any
> > closer to a digital orgasm?
> Not very! Memory efficient, OO design and a decent architecture. Apple and
> IBM with the same OS? That would have hurt Bill a little.
> OS/2 was/is what we should have been using instead of X but IBM didn't want
> to make MS Office available on it and I believe that had a big effect on the
> take up.
Maybe. But at the time OS/2 took off there wasn't even a Microsoft
Office yet. Besides, the WPS integration of OS/2 made office suites seem
a bit redundant. I had DeScribe (word processor) and Mesa/2
(spreadsheet) communicate quite effectively and they weren't even part
of the same company. If the OpenDoc technology had matured, we now would
have laughed at "office suites": 'What do you mean? You had _different
programs_ to do all that stuff?? How quaint!'

Of course, later IBM acquired Lotus, so they obviously had to port
SmartSuite to OS/2. So why work on OpenDoc to make life easier for the
users if you have them already hooked on the crude-'n-dirty suite?

> Yep, that good 'ol IBM marketing...
> As Bob Cringely has been saying recently, it's not that MS are brilliant,
> it's that its competitors are feeble.
> I think I'll just sneak off by myself with this magazine and look at some
> software...
<G> (although it is fun to pick up those early nineties computer rags
and read about the predictions for the millenium to come. Ironically,
one of the few that came even close was the tablet PC, in its Newton
incarnation - and even that one got killed off by its parent)

Karel Jansens

"We're here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and we're all out of gum." (Dr. Zulu of Team Diotoir on Robot Wars Extreme)

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