Re: [NTLK] Its Coming

Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 12:27:27 EST

In a message dated Thu, 14 Feb 2002 8:56:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, doppler <> writes:

> [] wrote the following 2002-02-14 14.11:
> > Or a Mac. I hate being a Newton user that doesn't own a Mac!
> > Tom
> before you know it, there will be an itunes app for the PC as well. this is
> not confirmed, but there is a rumour about much larger ipod orders placed by
> apple, orders so large that the mac market alone will not be enough.
> maybe eric will code some evil-side scripting somewhat later...

That would be great! I have to say that my biggest complaint about my Newton has always been, getting things into it. Mods, sounds and now MP3's. I always have to rely on others to release their stuff on the web so I can install it.

I will pray for a way to do this on my Wintel machine.


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