Re: [NTLK] Its Coming

From: John Ruschmeyer (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 10:21:10 EST

In a message dated Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:51:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, Christopher Plummer <> writes:
>Sounds neat, but it's useless unless you've got a 512 MB memory card.

Actually, it shouldn't be all that bad. MadMAX has a maximum bitrate of
128k which is the same as my JamP3 player. The JamP3 has 16mb of onboard
memory which translates to:

Kbps Time
---- ----
128 0:17:00 (17 minutes)
  96 0:25:30
  64 0:34:00
  48 0:51:00
  32 1:08:00

So, at a low enough bit rate, one could put a decent amount of music on
a 32mb card and still have room for other stuff. This is without the
much greater promise of what is to come with ATA support.

Since I don't have iTunes 2.0 or an MP 2x00, I haven't looked at
anything other than the MadMAX webpage, but does the plugin do
downsampling? It probably should since the iTunes default (1.1, at
least) was something like 160kbps. The alternative is having to make the
tradeoff between bigger files/more storage/higher quality and smaller
files/manageable storage/lower quality. Much of which will depend on how
one uses their MP3s. (Please don't reopen the MP3 debate which occurred
after the iPod announcement.)


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