Re: [NTLK] Death to Americans !!! was Re: [OFF-Topic] Small World

From: Alexander Andrade Leao (
Date: Sun Feb 10 2002 - 11:19:51 EST

I'll reply this in pvt.


> From: Lou Forlini <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 00:27:16 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Death to Americans !!! was Re: [OFF-Topic] Small World
> At 9:37 PM -0300 2/9/02, Alexander Andrade Leao wrote:
>> Right now, americans newspapers are been controled by your Big "Bush"
>> Brother. Maybe this is an unadequated moment to read non partial news in
>> USA.
> If you believe that the Bush administration controls the American
> press, you truly have absolutely no clue about how America works.
> Why do you continue to write statements as fact that are so
> completely ludicrous?
>> Not more coward than that guys that authorized the nuclear bomb on Japan,
>> killing more inocent people than in Pear Harbor and WTC together.
> We had this discussion on this very list last year, even though it
> was OT. Check the archives.
>> Yes, HOLYWOOD (in many ways a Big Brother's tool) overstate the American
>> contribution in those wars. The USA was important in the WWII (a bit in WW
>> I) but not more important than russians, britanics and others.
> Many of us Americans also think Hollywood is a "tool", but not in
> the way you mean. I don't even know who you mean by the "Big
> Brother" reference.
> We've already discussed WWII on the list also, check the archives.
> Britain was isolated on their island, and without the US lend-lease
> and supply convoys would have been toast, or at best starved into
> irrelevance. I guess you forgot that Austria (annexed),
> Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the
> Netherlands, France, Greece and probably some others that I'm
> forgetting were conquered and occupied by Germany. Russia had turned
> the tide against the Germans at Stalingrad, partly with help from the
> US in terms of motor vehicles (not armor). But the Germans had
> stabilized the situation and the Russians were squandering their
> manpower against a German defensive meatgrinder. Stalin was begging
> the US to open a 2nd front.
> So yes, I would say America was more important than the other
> Allies. America fought a 2-front war and won on both fronts. Did we
> lose more men than the other countries - nope, and we're proud of it.
> "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the
> other bastard die for his." (General George Patton, 1885-1945,
> American general).
>> If u (or any one) want to continue an open mind talk, we can do in pvt.
>> PLS, stop with this subject in this list!!!!!
> You don't get a thread to end by spouting your opinion and then
> saying that the topic should stop with your post. It doesn't work
> that way. If you really want a thread to stop, here's my 3-step plan
> that eventually works every time:
> 1. Don't post anything to the thread,
> 2. Don't post anything to the thread, and
> 3. Don't post anything to the thread.
> Regards,
> - Lou Forlini
> Software Engineer
> System Support Products, Inc.
> --
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