[NTLK] Reading Data from Memory Cards?

From: Thomas Tempelmann (listuser_at_tempel.org)
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 22:38:48 EST

Hi all,

I just got a Nokia 6310 phone and was wondering how I best
transfer my names + phone numbers to the phone.

One thing that came to my mind:

If it would be possible to put a Newton Memory card into a PC/Mac PC-Card
reader and if the OS would allow me to access the card, then I could be
able to read the soups off of the card and thereby get all the data from
my Newton without using the pesky cable connection.

So, does someone know if it's possible, provided I supply proper drivers,
to physically read a Newton memory card in a PC-Card reader (e.g., in a
Mac powerbook, or with a USB card reader)? Or do the Newton mem cards
have a special design that makes it impossible to read them in an
ordinary PC-Card reader?


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