Re: [NTLK] eMate vs Alphasmart Dana

From: Grant Hutchinson (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 20:59:42 EST

In a previous message, David Orriss Jr typed vigorously:

>>> PalmOS isn't *that* bad.
>> Neither is food poisoning, if you have the stomach for it. ;)
>Other than no HWR what is *wrong* with the PalmOS? It runs apps, it stays
>out of the way, and you can pretty much make any app any way you want.
>Granted it doesn't have all of the "human engineering" factors that are in
>the Newton, but *what* PDA has??

I've used Palms, and true... they're not *that* bad. I think you've hit
the nail on the head when you talk of the human engineering involved. The
Newton grows with me, learns with me... even all these years after I
first purchased one. I outgrew the PalmOS minutes after I started using
it. Yes, PalmOS (at least the 1-bit version) is graphically clean,
interfacingly simple, and compact. But it's not me.

So maybe it's not fair to compare it to food poisoning. It's more like
trying to make a meal out of empty calories.



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