Re: [NTLK] Build your own Newton?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 23:58:34 EST

on 10/30/01 22:45, at wrote:

> Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>> on 30/10/01 17:33, Michael J. Hu=DFmann at wrote:
>>> ( wrote:
>>> =20
>>>> Why does a smaller screen/body rule out real handwriting?
>>> =20
>>> Because there isn't enough space, unless your handwriting is really tiny.
>>> The screen space of the MP2100 is OK in this respect, and certainly
>>> better than the MP120 I used before. With the 160 x 160 pixel space of
>>> the Palm, enabling real HWR doesn't help much. Printing single letters in
>>> a small space is actually the best you can do when you have to live with
>>> these limitations.
> Okay, maybe I misunderstand what you guys mean by this 160 X 160
> business. Is there any pictures of this anywhere that demonstrates
> this? What am I missing? Are we misunderstanding each other?
> What I meant in the original question was the idea of writing all over
> the Palm-sized screen, not just in the little, puny area at the bottom.
> Allegedly there is an app that lets you actually write Graffiti on any
> part of the screen when using a Palm OS unit.
> Thus, if you could write all over the screen (okay, a littler screen,
> not the big, honking, lovely one we mp2k/ump2k-ers use), NOT just in the
> little area (in case I'm being misunderstood), would this not be
> sufficient space given a newtons ability to naturally page down as you
> run out of space?
> Do I make any sense? :-/

Sure, but even if I could write all over the tiny Palm screen, I would still
feel cramped. That's just me, so YMMV...


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

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