Re: [NTLK] Replying

From: Peter Cameron (
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 09:57:39 EDT

I suppose we could all reply beside > I thought since everyone was getting
the previous message. But again > all worked up about the iPod, I would
debate would be needed as to > start another flame war.
whether the reply should go on > Let's get the people who reply at
the left or right of the original. > the top of the message arguing with
There would, of course, be a > the people who reply at the bottom of
problem if a thread became very > the message. And get them both
popular and the replies were > fighting with the freaks who reply
reduced to a single line of > at multiple places within a message.
characters down the screen. > So which way is the right way to
Peter > reply? David

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