Re: [NTLK] Cheap Cases

From: Vernon Lemoignan (
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 21:24:00 EDT

I found a very nice cheap case for the 2100 at walmart. it holds the newt
and has a couple of internal pouches for pc cards. It also has extra room
for a couple of dongles and a spare pen. It fits perfect. Without any
velcro or straps the newt stays perfectly in place.

its some sort of Harry Potter day timer,that has a semi hard shell and
zips closed, no space for keyboard though.

you just rip the guts out of the daytimer remove a couple of metal snaps
and your done!

it was $20.00 canadian so if available in the states they would be almost

Newts rule, Palms drule!

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