Re: [NTLK] why not split the list?

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 09:00:36 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 11/19/01 10:50 PM, the entity known as A.Duggan
at conveyed the following:

> I am new, a 130 user, and i'm sure this has been disscussed bf, but I
> wonder why the list isnt split for users of OMP to 130's and another
> list for 2000/2100 users. The platforms are rather different, in
> terms of use and software. And this list gets TONS of traffic.... the
> splits would surely generate enough traffic too.

Actually, no, you'd have essentially this list (for the NOS2.1 folks), a
slightly active list for the NOS2.0 folks, and a virtually nonexistent list
for all others. Take heart, though. As a 130 user, this list is very easy
to read -- you just make an initial sweep through the incoming mail,
selecting probably 50-80% of the messages as being irrelevant to you, then
delete them. For example, if you see "ethernet", trash it since you can't
do ethernet. If you see 'MP2K', zap it. If you see 'eMate', ditch it.
You'll rapidly develop a feel. Sure there may be over 100 messages per day,
but it takes a leisurely couple of minutes to go thru that many messages and
selecting the ones to delete.

God help you, though, if you're a non-NOS2.1 person and you do digest mode,
given that more than half the messages are nearly or totally irrelevant to

HOWEVER... If you ever plan on moving up to an MP2x00, then read a
smattering of the other stuff, just to educate yourself for the future.

- Eric.

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