Re: [NTLK] Dongle Port Broken

From: James Elliott (
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 23:02:36 EST

Yes, it was the lack of a power switch that made me curious. It never
occured to me that it might sleep. The power light was always on and it
always responded when I tried to print to it. Although you may call it an
electrical vampire, one doesn't have to worry about people turning it off
when they go to bed, leaving you trying to print your homework from a
machine on a different floor and getting no response!


>on 11/8/01 10:51 PM, James Elliott at wrote:
>>> It is supposed to have a power saving function
>> What's this? Whenever I plugged mine into the wall, it powered up. If I
>> ever get my PLW 320 back, I'd love to know about this. And yes, it can
>> print to envelopes.
>It sleeps when not in use. Notice (when you see it again) that there is no
>power switch. At least, that's how my PLW 300 is, and IIRC, the 320 is the
>same as the 300, plus PostScript, or more memory, or something.
>Some people might call such a device an electrical vampire, because it takes
>a small trickle of power all the time.

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