[NTLK] Messagepad 2100 backlight BUZZING

From: Chris Kenny (seeshell_at_sprintmail.com)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 22:00:14 PDT

Hello Ferdi --

I read your post in Newtontalk.

I don't really need a new backlight in my Messagepad 2100, UNLESS the
ones you can supply might be slightly brighter (as you indicated
might be possible.) That would be nice.

However, I have always been VERY annoyed by the BUZZING/HUMMING when
my backlight is on, and have always been forced, as a result of the
buzz, to use an EXTERNAL light to shine onto the surface of the 2100
instead. This is difficult to accomplish successfully (the angle and
placement needs to be "just right", or there is a horrible glare.)

Does your company have any way of making the use of the 2100
backlight absolutely SILENT????

That would be SO wonderful. It would revolutionize my use of this computer.

I am sending a copy of this message to the list as a whole, in case
there are other solutions for this problem that people know about.

Chris Kenny

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