Re: [NTLK] need password generator for MP 120 with OS 2.0

From: Radovan Biciste (
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 12:19:37 EST

Sorry, I was not clear. As I am software engineer, I need to generate
passwords for application, database and operating system users. Also I
am registered on a bunch of websites as developer etc. Nearly every
second day I find myself in need to make up a password. Will be nice to
have small program which will generate it for me. Also I found nice free
software for storing passwords called GeekSafe ( Source codes are
available. I can imagine another feature of a software to generate
password. There is a few Perl scripts around which should be easy to
rewrite to NewtonScript.
Thanks for any thoughts,

Eric L. Strobel wrote:

>at the temporal coordinates: 12/11/01 11:50 AM, the entity known as Radovan
>Biciste at conveyed the following:
>>Thanks for very useful information. I was asking for advise. I have no
>>idea how you came to the text below. Anyway if somebody knows about the
>>program for generating passwords that will be great.

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