Re: [NTLK] Annoying

From: Humphreys, David (
Date: Thu Aug 30 2001 - 16:41:52 EDT

No opinion here, just plain facts:

1253454808 $31
1241249049 $20
1255348785 $22.48
1252300023 $15
1247033265 $20.50
1245881905 $36
1240495070 $16.76
1242544443 $25
1234321109 $26
1235113109 $26
1236153097 $31

Average = $24.52

"My Famous Newton Software CD with over 300mb's of programs.
This CD-ROM has sold for upwards of 60 USD in previous auctions"

While I can't dispute the absolute truth of the above statement,
the data suggests $60 is a little skewed.

On the subject of the backlight, the picture is out of focus
and over-exposed, giving the impression that it is whiter than
it really is. Fact is, even with a perfect white source, the
color is changed by the transreflexive backing, the Polaroid
filters and the touchscreen. The real color is more bluish.
Over-exposure will result in more light entering the camera.
The picture was taken without flash in a darkened room as
evidenced by the lack of surrounding detail.

The picture on:

is more accurate.

Also, I couldn't quite make out the name on the screen.
Does it really say Ferdi... ...or someone else?



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