Re: [NTLK] GPS/GIS Questions... Help please!

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 17:44:43 EDT

Dear All,

  I am sorry to que in to this discussion so late, however I am interested
in a bit more information on the GPS software and hardware for the Newton.

  Specifically I was wondering what type of receiver station one would need
to be able to sync the Newton, I would assume a uMP2000/2100, to a satellite
in order to get maps, routing information (such as directions when
travelling), and/or simple GPS points for locations? Which software is
structured to handle
the afore mentioned functions? Or is the purpose of the Newton GPS more for
acquiring and plotting GPS points, such as for use in a GIS database? If so
does anyone know of a reasonably priced GIS software package (such as one
from ESRI)?

  Also I seem to have missed if the software, such as Teletype GPS, is
share- or freeware? If it is a package that needs to be purchased how much
does it cost?

  Thank you!


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