NTLK Pretec vs. Tima Scientific

From: Mike O'Brien (obrien@leonardo.net)
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 04:54:44 EDT

        I got a note that showed that someone misread my last posting.

        One person reported problems of some sort with Pretec, and another
person recommended Tima Scientific as an alternative.

        My posting reported my experience: Tima Scientific advertised a cheap
Flash RAM card for months, accepted online orders, and sent emails confirming
the orders. After a long silence, I got a second email in response to my
order saying that they "could not sell the card at that price". They asked
me to reorder.

        Some people misread my posting as indicating that this happened with
Pretec. No. It happened with Tima. I would be surprised to learn that this
behavior is legal. In the United States it's called "bait and switch,"
and is definitely illegal. Tima, however, is in Canada, and I was unwilling
to pursue this internationally.

Mike O'Brien

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