NTLK Quote It

From: Robert Benschop (robertbenschop@bigfoot.com)
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 06:49:25 EDT

I have the following Gesture Launch script that puts quotes "" around
selected text and I would like to change it into a script that will put
brackets () around the text.
I mailed Ron Risley a while back and never got an answer and his website
seems to be gone, since I don't really have a clue about scripting, is there
maybe anybody else on the list that could help me out ?

Robert Benschop

The script:

// Quote It
// Places double quote marks around the selected text.
// Copyright © 1997 Ron Risley <rrisley@pobox.com>
// http://www.pobox.com/~rrisley/

            local itemText := nil;
            local offsets := getHiliteOffsets();
            local kQuote := "\u0022";

            if offsets then begin

            // get the text of the selected item
            local offsetArray := offsets[0];
            if offsetArray[0].text
                            then itemText :=

else if offsetArray[0].realData.text then itemText :=

         // add the quotes
         itemText := kQuote & itemText & kQuote;

        // replace it
        local frontView := GetView('viewFrontKey);
        if frontView then postKeyString(frontView, itemText);


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