NTLK Vadem Clio vs. Newton/eMate

From: gooddog@northshore.net
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 22:26:59 EDT


Has anyone had any experience with a Vadem Clio versus an eMate or Newton?
A friend of mine just got one and I finally was able to play with one after
only seeing pictures of them for months.

It appears to be quite a nice device, for a Windows machine, and is very
lovely style-wise. The Calligraphy handwriting is pretty good, though I was
able to mess it up with no problem. One nice feature is that it's very
silent. Newtons have a subtle whine to them, especially if you put on the
backlight. This one had none of that as far as I could tell.

My first thought was "I wonder if a person could install a version of Linux
on it?" It's so obvious that they borrowed much of the design and idea from
the emate but have taken some aspects farther and other aspects aren't
nearly as good as the emate.

The keyboard is nice, but the page-up button is where you'd normally reach
for the 'shift' key, so that could be a real pain in the butt.


Thanks in advance.


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