Re: NTLK NowSync v. NCU

From: jon glass (
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 03:42:54 EST

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 8:12 PM, Malawi, Hilal <>
> Is NowSync better or worse than NCU when syncing to Now Contact and Now
> Up-to-date? Anyone has experienced both and come up with advantages of
> against the other?

First of all, NCU only works with Now Contact and Up to Date version 3.5.
If you have any other version of these, most particularly, newer, then you
are forced to use Now Sync. If you have 3.5, I would recommend trying NCU.
(I cannot speak from experience, due to the fact that I use 3.6.5 of
NUD/NC.) From looking at the features within NCU, it would appear that you
can sync custom fields in Now Contact, including email and notes, which Now
Sync cannot do. You can also choose how to handle duplicates and changes
between your Newton and Now. For instance, you can choose to have the
Newton wins, Now win, or to merge the data. Now Sync cannot do that. The
desktop always wins, at least in my experience.

As for how well NCU actually works in practice, I can't say, never having
been able to use it. I suppose I would recommend making backups of your Now
data files and your Newton, and playing with it, making multiple syncs, and
modifying information on both platforms. Another suggestion: You might find
it worth while actually wiping your Newton, and using a dummy Now file,
just to see how it works. I, for one, would love hearing how it goes. If
you can get it to work, could you write me privately, and let me know?

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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