Re: NTLK NTLK: New Palm Device

From: Brian Pearce (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 22:43:19 EST

> Tonight while showing the latest cool thing my MP2k will do to a friend of mine who is a palmite
> (Yes we have the compare pda wars prior to my WingTsun class)...he mentioned that Palm has
> announced the NEW palm. Supposed to be on the way. He seems to think it will be the size of the
> Newton, Stand alone, able to connect to lan, cable modem, etc. Color, etc.

There's a story on this at...


...but it's short on the sort of speculation you describe above. I don't think there's any PR that goes along with this, just the report of public comments.

> So, maybe old SteveJ at apple shared the Newton Technology with Palm, and they are going to
> make the new newton? IT sounds promising. I am looking for this press release now...let you
> know when I find out something.

I live in hope...but I've yet to hear anything more than rumors to that effect.


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