NTLK Whoo Hoo

From: Marty (mjoecups@home.com)
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 06:44:50 EST

Newton Talk Lives!!!

I missed it for a while there...

Hey, Digital Ocean Dave, Do you do a Dongle Destroyer upgrade????

My Mp 2000 is ready to get some work done...

I use my Newton daily to keep my business records, to keep notes, to
check email(Enroute), to access other computers via Telenet(PT100), and
to check newsgroups (Inkspot), Newtscape is somewhat a bummer on the
MP2000 it works a bit, Although I bet it would kill on a color 500Mhz
Newton with lots of ram (more than a tiny heap).

Hope your all still there.

PS What are the advantages of Simplemail. I want to support ongoing
development for Newt, but Enroute and it's POP manager seem to work
pretty well (good) for me.

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