RE: NTLK Lookout 1.1

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 23:25:54 EST

Hmmm...US Copyright laws dictate that a copyright is only valid if the owner shows dillegence in maintaining his/her rights to the copy. If the copyright individuals do not persue violations of their copyright, then they forfit their copyright.See: clarification.So. If the individual who originally created the software does not protect his property, then his right to transfer the lisence to his work is cloudy at best!I would suggest for reading you can start with: guru--- "Humphreys, David" wrote:> > > Kenneth, you wrote:> > > Erm, in this case,> > > >
 1. The hack has been pretty public knowledge> The fact that lots of people know about it does not,> in any way, infer that> is either legally, ethically or morally ok to use> it.> > > 2. There is only one alternative to LookOut,> and that's > > not cheap or even> > reliable (I keep getting error 1006 synching> contacts)> I sympathize with you and your position. Wants and> needs, however, do not> give a person the right to steal, which, whether you> want to admit it or> not, is what you are doing.> > > 3. Seamless has not made any attempt to contact> any of us > > who almost NEED> > the software. For those of you NOT using MS> Exchange server > > in the office,> > it's hard to emphasize. Same for those who don't> sync. Easy > > to talk when> > you're out of the picture. My office uses Exchange> server for > > workgroup> > collaboration and it syncs well with my Palm,> which is a > > PRIMARY reason why> > I bought the Palm in the first place. By> alienating people > > who need to sync> > with Exchang
e, people who condemn hacks in such> circumstances > > are basically> > encouraging Newton owners who have NO RECOURSE to> go out and > > SWITCH TO PALM.> If Seamless software has gone out of business or has> otherwise left the> planet then you are SOL.> Sorry if you feel alienated but HACKING IS> WRONG...PERIOD.> You have already found a solution to your sync> problem by buying a PALM.;-)> If you take the position that condemning hacks is> tantamount to forcing a> platform shift, then you have taken melodrama to a> whole new level!> I will totally and vehemently oppose software> hacking in ALL forms, even if> on the surface it appears to be for the common good.> The slope is slippery> and not easy to get off once you are on it.> We must all see that the dividing line is sharp and> doesn't get blurred.> > > 4. Hacks are more wrong if the company is still> in > > business. But this> > company is OUT OF BUSINESS. Frankly, I'd have gone> on using the hacked> > lookout until I learn from any of the active> Ne
wton sites or > > this mailing> > list that Seamless handles registration again.> Otherwise, I'd > > have switched> > to my Palm. For good.> "Hacks are more wrong...??" How can they be more> wrong? They are, by> definition, a wrongful act to start with!> Out of business does not mean "here take this> software and steal it"!> I suggest that you closely examine your ethical> boundaries.> It is, of course, your decision to use pirated> software. You are not,> however,> justified in doing so.> > Let you conscience be your guide :-)> > David Humphreys> PCB Designer> Purchaser of ALL my software> http:/> > > ******************************************> This NewtonTalk Message brought to you by:> > EVOTE.COM, the ESPN of Politics on the> Internet. Visit EVOTE.COM for all the latest> news on Campaign 2000!> > Visit today!> > ******************************************> > Need Subscribe/Unsubscribe Info?> visit> > ***************************

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