Re: NTLK Couldn't resist...

From: Donna Dolezal Zelzer (
Date: Sat Jun 24 2000 - 01:31:59 CDT

At 12:50 AM -0500 6/24/2000, Bill Davis spoke thusly:
>I used to do computer tech support for a living and people would often
>ask where the (515) area code they had called is located. I'd say "Iowa"
>and they'd go, "Oh, the potato state".
>Uh...nope. That state is a BIT further west....

My daughter and I are from Wisconsin (middle of the US) and moved
to Oregon (west coast) a few years ago (at different times.). She's
had people ask, when she tells them she moved from Wisconsin, "oh, do
you know so-and-so?He's from New Jersey (or other state on the east

When I was a kid we used to have to make maps of the US and learn all
the states and capitals. Don't kids have to do that anymore?

(On a somewhat related vein, a few months ago, I told my
four-year-old granddaughter, "I;m in a state of confusion!" and she
said "No! You're in the state of Oregon."! <g>


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