Re: NTLK installing packages on emate

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 02:02:13 CDT

on 27-07-2000 8:14, Laura Deardoff at wrote:

> when installing packages on the emate do you have to be in single user
> mode or can you do it in classroom mode? Does anyone have a step by
> step list for this process? The books refer to each other and none of
> them directly supply the steps.

To be able to connect from your eMate to your desktop you need to be in
single mode since that is the only way that the Dock app will work.
Makes me think that it should be possible to do it with Classroom Dock as
well, how were teachers supposed to do it otherwise ?
Wouldn't be with NCU though since that's the one that acts up when you try
to connect through Classroom Dock, did anybody ever find this out ?
Since I never needed it I never did and very busy myself at the moment,
but I'll give it a shot as soon as I have some spare time.

Robert Benschop

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