Re: NTLK Schizophrenia Newtonia Confusium...

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 03:25:01 CDT

>Hi, Me again...After performing backup/hard reset/restore cycle on
>my upgraded MP2K, and upon re-inserting my flash card (even with
>packages off) I am presented with duplicates of *all* "built-in"
>packages. They, of course, cannot be frozen, moved or deleted. If
>the internal soup is corrupted, how can it be repaired? Please make
>any suggestions.

As I explained previously: the built-in icons are written in the package soup.
Considering that the icons appear when the card is inserted, just
perform the backup/erase/restore cycle on the card without the
packages and install the packages afterward. You can also try to
backup & restore the packages because the original entries for the
icons are marked as non backupable, but I highly suggest to
re-install the packages.

What on earth did you do with your soups?



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