NTLK Newton Resources trials and tribulations

From: Victor Rehorst (chuma@chuma.org)
Date: Sat Jul 01 2000 - 14:14:56 CDT

(this message is being CCd to Laura at Ideacast due to the e-mail problems
that I've been experiencing)

To anyone who tried to access Newton Resources in the past six hours: sorry
about that, but everything seems to be back to normal now. Seems like my
hosting service had some problems. It's all good now.

I also recently added the full set of eMate documentation in PDF format to
the Newton Cage. Owners of used eMates might want to check it out.

Also, I just noticed that the list archive was spontaneously unsubscribed
from the list *again* (this has happened about five times now). I thought
that a verification e-mail was required to unsubscribe... gah. I'm getting
a little tired of the list problems, but whenever I need to find something
in the archive I'm glad that it's there, so I'll keep going. (And I've
always maintained that if Planet Newton could collect themselves and create
their own list archive, I'd stop mine - but that hasn't happened yet.) This
unsubscription happened on June 26, and my site was up - meaning it couldn't
have happened because of an outage.

But I won't start screaming and ranting. Well, any further, at least.

Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | chuma@chuma.org
Secretary, CASU & CPES College Governments, University of Guelph, Canada
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