Re: NTLK New newton list !

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 21:30:35 EST

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Chris Ruprecht wrote:

> I second this, I think one list for our relatively small community is
> quite sufficient and the traffic is not high enough to warrant
> splitting this into 2 or more lists. If this is not enough, there is
> always comp.sys.newton.*

Trying not to sound like a broken record...

I third this, whatever it is :) If there isn't any content difference
between the two lists, then why have two lists? It's different with the
eMate list, since I assume then discuss exclusively eMate-related things
there, and that's cool. Fragmenting the community is not cool: I already
read this and c.s.n.*, and I can only hope that I had enough time to read
the web boards, but I don't.

-----Victor Rehorst - |
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