Re: NTLK NewtonMAD and it's originator, Kenneth Wong...

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 22:07:44 EST

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Leland Jory wrote:

> Couldn't Apple's Newton software be considered (if not 'freeware')
> included-ware? I mean, they shipped this stuff with every new Newton. Plus,
> the stuff is still freely downloadable from Apple's software archives AFAIK.

Technically, not NCU - it was always available for retail sale for 120/2.0
and 130 owners. It may even still be (although, looking at the current
situation on the 'net, I doubt anyone's bought a copy lately).

Newton Press is different - It has been released for free on Apple's FTP

> I don't see any ethical/legal problems with leaving the Apple stuff in. If
> you're truly concerned, contact Apple and ask for their permission.

We've decided to ignore the Apple bits for while until we recieve word
from them.

-----Victor Rehorst - |
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