NTLK MP2000 to MP2100 upgrade

From: Gerson Campos (gcampos@mac.com)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 06:32:18 EST

Sorry to bother again with the same question. But my hard disk crashed and
all my mail folders are gone.

I saked about a month ago for a brand and specific model of flash ram to
upgrade my newton 2000.

Could some one post again that info.

And I am also interested in soldering an internal minidin 8 port to my
newton 2000 because i dont want to carry the dongle anymore. Does any one
have a wiring diagram?

You might have noticed that english is not my mother lenguage, sorry if this
is mistypen.

What other kind of upgrades be applied to a MP2000 like those available to
130 installed by pixolutions?

Gerson Campos
25, MP2000, MP130
Monterrey Mexico.

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