Re: NTLK Re: New OZ Site

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 11:16:37 EST

Gary Moody wrote:

> Hi Brad,
> Well, I always thought the Brits were a humorless bunch... ;)
> Okay, go back out the NewtonOZ site
> ( ). Now stop
> and watch the bold line that appears to be an underline for the logo where
> white letters are displayed. When you first go to the site, it says "Still
> Serving the Community". The writing on this line will change. It takes
> about 3-4 minutes to get to the end where it will loop. The logo is an
> animated GIF file, evidently quite large. Read all of the text. As the
> text gets to the end, before the loop, the discourse becomes quite
> insightful. You'll enjoy it! Of course, I'm rather easily amused, which is
> one of the reasons I subscribe to this list! :)

Got it now! When I first looked, I didn't wait 'til the end. Very funny,

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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