NTLK HELP MP2K and Rechargeable Battery

From: Josh Burker (Josh_Burker@misd.wednet.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 01 2000 - 11:35:18 EST


        I recently purchased a Newton rechargeable battery and the 9W Newton AC
adaptor. I understand that the battery may need a few charges before it's
up to full strength, but that doesn't seem to explain the problems I'm

        Even with the Newton plugged in (for modem or ethernet use) oftentimes
the Newton will simply not turn on. The only way to get it to turn back
on is to unplug it from the wall, pull the battery, then put the battery
back in. After a few of these cycles it will come back on, announce the
battery was dead, and then go about its business until the next time.
        It's strange, because it doesn't always happen every time I turn the
Newton off; it's definitely sporadic.

        I tried pulling the battery/power for about an hour to reset the Power
Manager; should I do that again?

Thanks for anyone's help!


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