Re: NTLK Names & Newtonquake Questions

From: NewtonMP (
Date: Fri Aug 11 2000 - 01:02:49 CDT

> Also, I just came across Newtonquake the other day and I was wondering if
> anyone has ever gotten it to work? My co-workers have turned me into a quake
> junkie with after five LAN sessions. I'd live to blow their minds by showing
> them the awesome power of the Newton with quake, but I'm on a mac and I
> cannot use the program that converts the standard quake .PAK files to the
> Newton friendly format. Anyone have any converted maps they'd like to send
> my way?

Hate to break it to you, but NewtonQuake was a April Fool's joke -- it
doesn't exist. Scroll all the way down on the FAQ page for the proof. It
had me going for a while.

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