Re: NTLK New newton user questions

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 15:02:24 CDT

Victor Rehorst wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> > Check how you draw your apostrophes. There must be something the Newton
> > doesn't like. In the handwriting preferences, make sure you have
> > selected "cursive" (I'm sure you did, but just in case). Then, check the
> > Handwriting Settings from the Options popup, still in Handwriting
> > preferences. Make sure that you have letter-by-letter checked there for
> > fields and notes, and make sure that "Learn my handwriting" is checked.
> My only *big* problem with Newton HWR are my apostrophes. I cringe every
> time I try to write a contraction. When I try to write an apostrophe as a
> tick, it becomes an "i" or a cedille, and when I try to write it as a
> superscript comma, it comes out as a normal comma.
> A semi-related question: is there any way to suppress the interpretation of
> international characters on an English 2100? I'm tired of these letters
> popping up either in the recognized word or in the corrections list.

As far as I know, there are no such thing. I've bought my 2100 here, in
the US, and right after unpacking it, I was able to write accented
characters that were recognized without any problem, only when using the
*printing* recognizer. So, your fix could maybe to use the cursive one

> > Then, go over the letter shapes. Deactivate any shape for any letter
> > that you're not using. That will give the handwriting system a jump
> > start in learning your handwriting.
> Laurent, I had no clue that this dialog ever existed. Probably because I
> have never used the cursive engine before. Thank you!!

Victor, I'm always reading your replies when it relates to network
stuff, and I must admit I've learned a lot, but I've never mentionned
it. Glad I was able to return the favor :-D

Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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