Re: NTLK Geoport

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 05:12:30 CDT

Joost wrote:
> > Since the eMate, 2100 and possibly the 2000 have geoport
>> compatibility has anyone made a telephony application to take
>> advantage of this?
>No Newtons have GeoPort compatibility. The NewtonOS 2.1 Newtons (MP2x00 and
>eMate) have 9-pin serial ports, but they aren't GeoPorts. The extra pin is a
>5V output.

Don't know much about GeoPort, but I know that the internal debugger
can be used with GeoPort, and that the code is available in the ROM.
(maybe thru a card?)



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