Re: NTLK PROG Q: how to display PICT resource

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 17:32:53 CDT

Jim Witte wrote:

> I want to import a PICT resource as a SHAPE, for use with HitShape.
> I've got the following commands in the Project Data file:
> OpenResFile(HOME&"Quickwriting.rsrc");
> DefConst('kPicture, GetNamedResource("PICT", "mapBw", 'picture));
> CloseResFile();
> Then in a viewClickScript, I call DrawShape(kPicture,<style frame>), and
> at run-time it gives me a an error -8804, which the Inspector says is
> evt.ex.graf. I assume this means I can't display a 'picture object from
> a resource using DrawShape?
> BTW, the project this is for is a version of Quickwriting for the Newton.

What size the picture? I've read somewhere that there were some limitations as
to the size of the picture you can handle. Over a certain size, I think you
need to convert it to a VBO, but I'm really not sure, as I've never played with
pictures. This is just a wild guess, based on some readings I had over the

Did you check that there is actually something in 'kPicture', and that the
constant definition is working properly?

Other question, how does the style frame look?

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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