NTLK Package inventory

From: John I. Clark (jiclark@independence.net)
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 16:08:34 CDT

There was a thread recently about how to easily (i.e. printable directly
from the Newton) inventory your installed packages. I remember that
someone mentioned that SBM utilities had that capability. Well, I
finally got around to checking it out, and SBMU does do a very clear
listing of all your packages on all your stores, but I don't see how you
can print out the lists. Can someone enlighten me as to how to do this,
so that I can be prepared in the event of having to do a
brainwipe/reinstall sometime in the future?

Many thanks, as usual!

John I. Clark
Glass artist & Mac aficionado
Ridgway, CO 81432-0053

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