Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 09:15:17 CDT

At 7:22 AM -0400 6/20/2000, Cook, Thomas wrote:
>I have been using PMS V1.0 on my MP120 for the last month and now that the
>demo has expired I cannot get to any of my data. I searched the archive and
>found some posts about the source code but I am not a programmer and I am
>having great difficulty understanding how to use NTK. I am sure that with
>time I could learn but my boss is asking for last month's time sheet and
>without this data I am truly sunk. Not to mention he already thinks I am
>kind of crazy for not just getting a Palm like the rest of the world. I
>guess I really should have double tracked my time while I was evaluating PMS
>but hindsight as they say...

I have two suggestions and you should probably back up before you do
anything else. My first suggestion is to change the date of your MP to a
date within the evaluation period. My second suggestion is to remove PMS
then reinstall the demo. Hopefully, it didn't put anything into the system
and it'll think this is a new demo.

I've never tried any of the above so I don't know if it'll work. Hope it
helps you, though.


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