Re: NTLK Tech Spec on Flash Cards

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 00:49:29 CDT

On 6/2/2000 9:05 AM,
[] wrote:

>If you jump on this:, you
>will find tech spec of the flash cards. The Centennial society seems to be
>the origin of the flash cards now (before Intel?).
>What is the right one for the Newton MP2x00 ?
Newton memory cards must be LINEAR Flash RAM, _not_ ATA Flash RAM (you
won't generally find linear flash RAM cards in stores...mail order's
about the only route to get 'em)

Also, there are some voltage differences among the memory cards.

The Original MessagePad, MP 100, 110, and 120 with OS 1.3 must use 5v/12v
memory cards
The MP 130 can use 5v/12v and SOME 5v/5v cards (but NOT ALL 5v/5v cards).
 Not sure what the Mp120 with OS 2.0 can use (it's probably in the FAQ).

MessgaePad 2000 and 2100's can use either 5v/12v or 5v/5v cards

eMate 300's require 5v/5v cards for read/write. They can READ (but NOT
write) 5v/12v cards.

>It seems also that Cisco routers have those cards inside them. Maybe a good
>source to get cards cheaply with routers in out of order status...

No, they are usually a VERY, VERY BAD source for memory cards, because
the routers write to them constantly and "use them up" quickly. Flash
memory card can only be written to a limited number of times. It's
fairly large and you're unlikely to encounter it on a Newton for years
and years (if ever....) but there have been plenty of folks who bought
used Cisco router cards and found they crapped out on them quickly.

If the card hasn't been kept in the machine but only inserted and used to
install something, then removed, that may be another story. Use at your
own risk, and backup a LOT if you use a card that's been in a Cisco

Paul Braham is running a special on 6MB 5v/5v cards for the Newton that
work ONLY in the MP 2000,2100 or eMate 300 (NO other models). See for details.

 - Bill

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