Re: NTLK MoreInfo

From: Calvin Grier (
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 13:22:42 CDT

I've been using HyperNewt and MI for more that two years. They work great

What is Merlin?


-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis Rogers <>
To: Newtontalk <>
Date: Monday, May 29, 2000 6:11 PM
Subject: NTLK MoreInfo

>Thanks to everyone on my MoreInfo & SuperNote Pad question, have been using
>SuperName from StandAlone and am switching to PowerNames (found the
>didn't think of Names). Am trying HyperNewt with the combination since I
>need to file for a lot of different location. Any one else using this
>combination? Also us DashBoard With GestureLaunch and Merlin from
>LandWare, anyone know what happen to LandWare?
>Thanks again,

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